User Guide
Last updated
Last updated
Information on 'What is TradeDividends?' can be found on our website:
Epoch definition: An epoch is a period of time that covers the rewards period.
For the Test Phase each epoch will be 24 hrs long, this means every 24hrs rewards are distributed and available to claim.
For the main TradeDividends staking each epoch will be a 30 day period of time, not measured in calendar months, measured in days. Therefore an epoch can begin mid month.
Preparation for Test Phase
For testing purposes we will be using the EAI_Test token rather than real EAI. This ensures all your tokens are safe. You have been sent 1:1 EAI_Test tokens for every EAI token in your wallet associated with dashboard. Rewards: you will be rewarded EAI_Test and real USDC for staking during the 10 day testing period. The USDC rewards are yours to keep, at the end of the test period when you return your EAI_Test tokens we will subtract the amount of EAI_Test tokens handed out to your wallet as initial starting test tokens and swap the remaining (those you received as staking rewards) 1:1 for real EAI.
Those who eligible for participating in the Test Phase* have already been sent the relevant amount of EAI_Test tokens. For test period only you will need to add 2 new tokens to your wallet as custom tokens
*participation required holding 25,000 EAI, being signed up to the dashbaord with wallet and telegram username set at the time the snapshot was taken Monday 3rd March 09:00 UTC
During the Test Phase the EAI_Test token will be used to represent EAI. No EAI in your wallet is handled during the Test Phase. You will need to follow instructions in Preparation below to add the EAI_Test token and tdEAI_Test receipt tokens to your wallet before staking.
The EAI_Test token simulates the real world EAI token. name: EAI_Test contract address: 0x840C9F699c2ed24A9dBc5386e78D306DCaadBf51
The tdEAI_Test token simulates the real world receipt token for every EAI staked on Trade Dividends name: tdEAI_Test contract address: 0x55eE7ea10fd88DC9fa7Bb1fb541083A6d5bCacd2
Goto TradeDividends section of dashboard, select the Stake tab
Connect Wallet Note: For users connecting a Ledger, use Wallet Connect
You can now decide how much EAI you wish to stake. Note: the screen says EAI but it uses the EAI_Test token during the Test Phase No EAI tokens are handled by TradeDividends during testing. Decide how many EAI (EAI_Test token) you wish to stake. Click the 'Stake' button
Goto TradeDividends section of dashboard, select the Withdraw tab
Connect Wallet Note: For users connecting a Ledger, use Wallet Connect
Decide how much of your stake you wish to Unstake Click Unstake
Goto TradeDividends section of dashboard, select the Withdraw tab
Connect Wallet Note: For users connecting a Ledger, use Wallet Connect